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Beagle noise when not home

19 14:56:48

I just read one of the articles on a beagle dog that barks a ton when the owner leaves the house. I know that my sister has a lab and that thing honestly doesn't bark when no one is home, it just sits and lays around. Maybe she is lucky but I'm looking at getting a beagle and I live in a house that has walls connected to houses to the side of me. Are beagles not appropriate for this type of style housing? My neighbors do say that when my parents had their 2 dachshunds to visit that they couldn't hear them bark when we left and i promise you they go crazy. haha. Thank you

Hi,thanks for writing. If you are looking for a quiet dog, a beagle may not be appropriate. They are very vocal, it is part of their genetic make-up to alert when they smell or hear something. This has been bred into them for hunting. It is possible to have one that doesnt bark excessively with good training and at minimum twice a day walks/runs but they are notorious barkers when left alone and their bark is more of a bay/howl and is hard to ignore. This may not be the ideal dog for you.