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excessive barking

19 15:02:20

My 2 beagles age 4 & 6 learned to bark after spending 1 week at a kennel.   
I have tried to bring them in the house so that the barking won't bother the neighbors.  They only bark at other dogs,mailman, when coming by our yard.
Any suggestions to curtail their barking?


Well, it could be worse. One of my beagles taught my friends prize winning Pembroke Welsh corgi how to howl (he really did =)
First, you can't stop a dog from bark. All dogs bark (but one breed). You shouldn't always stop him from barking. When my dogs and I go outside or on a walk they are allow to howl all they want. At 9 pm they know it's quiet time. They can only bark if someone is trying to break into the house.
The best way I found to stop a beagle from barking or howling excessively is to teach him how to bark or speak. My dogs know it as sing. Find something that will make him bark and do it. If he barks when the doorbell is rang or if someone knocks at the door then go ring the doorbell or knock on the wall. When they bark tell him "Speak" (I thought "sing" sounded better so that's what my dogs know it as. Plus, the kids in the area love to hear them sing or make them sing). Then, give them a treat (stick with me here). After the treat tell them "Quiet" or "Enough" and walk away. If they continue to bark go back and tell them "enough" again. The treat will distract them and they will learn  what "Enough" means. Then, you will be able to use the enough or quiet commend. When a real interruption happens and they start barking tell them good dog then Enough.
When you are not home leave the TV or radio on to mask any sounds.

Fellow beagle lover,
