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Three 11 month old beagles 1 LOST

19 15:01:51

Hello I have 3 beagle pups 2 males and 1 female. I have had beagles before one for 16 yrs. The other morning I let them out to go potty They got a wiff of something and took off into the woods. My dad lives next door so I left and went to work for about a hour I ran back to the house and the 2 boys were back with no signs of the girl. I looked for over a hour drove up and down the road and nothing. Almost three weeks later No signs of her I have contacted all the shelters and vets in my area within a 30 mile radius and put up fliers mailed fliers to every person on my road. Placed a REWARD Ad in the (3)local papers I even took the boys back in the woods with me to see if they could hit on her sent but it did rain that day. She is small and sweet so i know the chance of someone finding her and keeping her is high she had a collar and id's on but was not microchip. I can not find her collar in the woods to see if she meet will ill fate.
I keep thinking if she is close to the house she will come back home, Am i just wondering how far do you think she could travel if she is still out there and I hope and pray every day to find her and the she is not being abused she was a little Princess a inside dog and never away from her brothers. I just can not stop looking for her it is going on 3 three wks and i am stilling staying up half the night on the Internet searching for found beagles and emailing any shelter or beagle rescue i can find any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thank you Deb

Hello Debbie!
I first want to say I will pray for you and your dog. Beagles are very very smart so don't give up for one second. Keep taking the boys out there every chance you can get, because if the boys smell her they will track her down same if she can smell them. I'm going to be honest in 3 weeks she can go very far. My brother lost his lab and someone was nice enough to call and she was about 250 miles away. Call all the Vets, SPCAs and Humane societies within a 100 miles just search on yahoo local, and ask them if they could dispatch the message to places near them. Just because she isn't microchipped is no reason to stop. The only people that really know what a microchip is, is pet owners and someone could find her that isn't a pet owner. Take flyers to markets, lamposts, and very public places like restrooms, malls, museums, petshops, convinenet stores. She is still very young so her smell hasn't fully developed so she just maybe far out that she can't smell you, your home, and her brothers, that's why I suggest taking her brothers out every chance you can get. Make sure on the flyers that you put ever single marking she may have on her like maybe a brown spot on her stomach or a black spot on her back, the kind of collar she was wearing, and try to get a photo on it. This way even if someone sees her with someone else they will question it, and if they fess up and say I just found it then they can say that dog is lost and NEEDS to be returned. Once again she is very young so she probably won't let anyone around her that she doesn't know so that will be a lot. So she might just be finding her way home. Also check right under your nose too. You automatically think the worse when it might end up she is a quarter of a mile away and you may have missed her. I don't want to upset you when I say they can go far, but they can, but that is no reason to give up. People are a lot more responicble when it comes to pets and if they see reward they will stop at nothing to get that. If you can't find her in one more week you can send my a picture and information and I can tell my the Veternarian clinic that I work at and they can dispatch some of the vets around here. I know that you may not live near me, but I would like to help. I know they pain you are going through, and would not stop at nothing to get her back. I would also go get a dog whistle and go in the woods with her brothers and blow on it if she hears that she will also come running. Good luck and you and your family will be in mine and my beagle's prayers. Good luck and if you want to send me information and a picture I will pass it on to my Vets. Don't hesitate to ask me anything else. I will respond ASAP!