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balding beagle

19 15:01:36

i have a very clever 4.5 yr male beagle named Moe.
he has been slowly balding for the past 3 years.
our vet ran a blood panel and didn't find anything peculiar with his vitals, and suggested it just might be something inherent in his breed/genes.  his sides are completely bald and it seems to creep...he has one strip of fur down his back, underbody & head...i feel so bad for him!  he doesn't scratch or itch...he's just going bald and is starting to resemble a pot belly pig!  My poor lil' guy...
any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
mary from downers grove, IL

Hi Mary and thanks for writing to me. Poor Moe.......

It is definately not in his breed to go bald and I would seriously question if it was his genes. Typically loss of hair is due to skin disease, for example mange. I would find another vet and even better take him to a canine dermatologist. This is not normal!

Please let me know how things turn out.