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My 8months beagle is sick

19 14:55:37

I have a problem with my 8months old beagle, first is that she doesn't want to eat her dog food and wants a human food instead.. so i gave her a human food like fish, pork, beef and rice... after a week she got sick, she's vomiting and keeps on defecating  and doesn't want to eat anymore. what am i going to do with my dog? how am I going to feed her?

Hi thanks for writing me. This is a very dangerous situation, she could be highly dehydrated by now from all the vomiting and the diarrhea. First off you must NEVER give a dog human food, they are not capable of breaking it down properly and especially a puppy. She needs to be on a high quality puppy food. She will eat when she is hungry enough but now she is very ill, it sounds like she may also have some parasites which are common in puppies that need treated which would cause her to not want to eat. THIS PUPPY NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY THE VET IMMEDIATELY!! This is, as I said very dangerous and you could lose her from this..... please take her now and then talk to the vet about the food.