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Beagle housetraining problem

19 15:02:05

My beagle is 3.5 yrs& we've had her since a puppy. She had housetraining issues from the start, but we learned to minimize it by getting a dog-door & keeping her in a crate at night. We praise endlessly when she goes potty outside, but she still has 1-2 accidents a month. She NEVER pees in front of us, it is always on the sly.  I don't understand it, she always has access to the outdoors and she knows it's wrong...I know when she has peed in the house just by her demeanor.  We got new carpet 1 mo ago, and already 2 accidents.  What are we doing wrong? What can we do?

Hello Liz,
  Dogs tend to have accidents when they are scared or have bladder problems. It sounds like one of those, because you say that she understands that it is wrong. The best thing to do is make a appointment with your Vet because if she is doing it out of your sight the chances are that she may be having bladder issues possibly a urinary tract infect which are not serious unless untreated, antibiotics are what she will get if that be the case. The other thing is nervousness, which she be getting from anxiety. What I suggest for the carpet is arm and hammer powder it vacuums the smell and the stain up. Please see a vet because if she understands that it is wrong then it has to be something beyond that. Also try laying the puppy training pads in areas that she has accidents. The scent will allow them to go on that, do that until you can get to the vet. If you continue to use those then she will get accustomed to that and you don't want that. Good luck and I hope for the best. Usually when they go randomly it is a bladder problem. It doesn't sound to serious at all see a vet. Good luck!