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Potty training the beagle pup

19 15:02:28

We got my brother a beagle pup 4months old for his birthday (he is a truck driver) and i kept him for 2 weeks prior to him seeing the pup and he was doing well with the potty training part when i had him...we also have an adult female beagle and they played alot. I talk to my brother every day now since he has been gone (3 days now) and Jake will not go potty outside anywhere he stops and he has made ALOT of extra stops for him he is on a long leash and will NOT go. He spends about 15 to 20 min each time he stops and he still wont go. He has pead 2 times in the floor board of the truck and did poop only once outside since he has left here. We are in Missouri and he is out in LA now on his way to seattle. He said it is the most nervous beagle he has ever been around...any advice?

Going from a house to a truck may be to much for him at this stage. If possible, I would suggest that he be housebroken at home. Also, it may be to much for him to travel such long distance while being so young. He may be nervous because he went from a home to a truck. It is best to slowly train him to travel. And increasing the length of time to travel a little at a time.
Does your brother stop to feed and water him or does he feed him in his truck? He should stop and feed and water him. After a pup eats he WILL go potty. After he eats walk him around the pet area at a rest stop. Tell Jake to "go potty". After he does praise him. Then, let him play and walk for a little while. Whenever he goes potty outside tell him to "go potty" while he is going. Then, praise him and/or give him a treat. Jake will learn what "go potty" means.
Remember in a truck or in the house that a puppy will have accidents. Maybe your brother should get potty pads for the floor board for accidents. Also, when he stops and takes him out take the potty pad with him and lay it on the ground.
I know your brother has a time schedule that he has to follow but, is he able to stop at a dog park? There is one in Seattle at Volunteer park. This would be great for Jake to socialize with other dogs and people. There are off lease parks every where. If he is able to do that you may want to look up dog parks on line and give them to your brother.
I hope this helps a little.
Fellow beagle lover,
