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House breaking

19 15:02:28

We have a 8-month old beagle, Toby.
Could you suggest how we can get Toby to go wait by the door to go use the bathroom? Currently, he is fairly good about going to the bathroom on the pad but we are trying to get him to go to the bathroom outside. We currently live in an apartment and find it difficult to show him that he needs to wait by the door instead of going on the pad (or the floor). He understands the word "outside" and will sit by the door but I think he finds it convinient to go to the bathroom on the pad. At times, we find him marking a wall nearby his pad. He was fixed about 3 months ago.  


When you take him outside to go potty take the pad outside with you. Put the pad where you want him to go potty. Keep doing this. Since you live in an apartment it would be hard to leave the pad outside so he knows that the pad is outside and that's where he needs to go.
Every time you take him outside make him sit at the door before you take him outside. He should learn that he has to go sit at the door before he can go outside.

Fellow beagle lover,
