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9 month old beagle-urinary control problem

19 15:01:47

Our 9 month old male beagle was doing very well with housebreaking, until recently.  He urinated in our bed twice last week, while in a dead sleep and never even woke up.  When he drinks, he goes almost immediately, today before he even walked away from the water bowl.  His urine was checked 10 days ago for an infection and diabetes and both were negative.  We don't give him an excess of water, sometimes I think we don't give him enough the way he begs for water and not food.  He's going to the vet tomorrow for another urine sample and to be checked, but any insight you could give us would be great.  Thank you.  Paula W.

Hello Paula!
I think it is a good idea to have a second sample done. Because that is what it sounds like. A urinary tract infection. Which can can be hard to detect in males. Usually when they have a infection they will go in random places, and usually alot. Besides that it could be water weight that he just sheds very quickly. Which in the long run is good because it will help lose weight. Even with a fast matabolism he will let off water weight fast. You said he WAS doing well with the housetraining. See, when they have urinary infections they go randomly, and in weird places, and in large portions. I really feel that is a infection. Which are not serious they can be fixed with some antibiotics. Look at the nutriton chart on his food. If the sodium is high then he will drink and it will go through him faster. The worst with that is that his food gets changed, probably to science diet. I hope this has helped if you need anymore help or any other questions please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and I hope for the best.