Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > zig zag pattern on our puppys back

zig zag pattern on our puppys back

19 15:00:34

I googled this and found your site.  It looks like someone else had the same question.  Our 9 month old beagle has developed a very pronounced zig zag pattern in his back.  It started about 2 months ago and it's really pretty cool but, is it normal?  He is a pure breed (we do have papers).  What is this?  Have you learned any more about this since the last poster asked?

HI, unfortunately I have not gotten any more info about this but as you said some else asked about it. I wonder if the two dogs are related? Is it possible for you to send me a pic of this, I would love to see it. You can send to my regular email which is