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exporting cats to Turkey

25 10:06:15

I've got in contact with the Turkish Embassy and they were not very cleat on what to do to import animals into their country so I'm getting a bit worried that time is starting to run out (leaving in July) and that I'm going to overlook something important. Could you give me a person or company (live in West Sussex) that can help me sort all the paperwork out and tell me what i have to do first. Thank you very much

Dear Karine
Turkey can be a bit of a hassle.
Contact:   tel: 90 212 223 5818   in Istanbul
Be advised they can be a bit slow on responses
Try to do this yourself from UK. Take them as excess baggage if you
The firms in UK are usually very expensive
visit:   for such firms
Let me know if I can further help
Regards, Jerry Mishler