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Moving from Ottawa Ontario to Delaware USA

25 10:09:19

Yes, I will be moving from Ottawa Ontario to Delaware USA in the month of September. I have a seven year old fixed female cat. Can you tell me who to contact about papers to bring Emma across the boarder with Me. If you can provide me with any information I will do all the research as I don't want anything to go wrong or don't want Emma to not be able to cross with Me at the same time...

Thanks so very much Kim...

Dear Kim
There is absolutely NO problem.  To be safe, a health certificate
within 10 days of travel and a valid rabies vac.  You will have
more problems, passport, etc.  You probably won't even be asked for
cat's paperwork.  If flying, the airline probably would look at the
paperwork.  Check things out with your veterinarian.  He/she should
be able to bring you up to date.  Entry into USA super very easy for
Regards, Jerry Mishler