Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > How can I take my cat from CA to Taiwan?

How can I take my cat from CA to Taiwan?

25 10:05:48

QUESTION: I know NOTHING about pet traveling. I am going to move to Taiwan and I don't want to leave my cat behind because he is a valued family member. What airlines allows you to take your cat to Taiwan? Is there some kind of shot he needs to take? Please explain to me all the steps I need to do.

This can be somewhat complicated.  I recommend you contact:      They can best address the entry requirements
Where in CA are you?  I can recommend someone in both Northern and Southern CA to help you
BEWARE   Many 3rd party shippers will just take your money.
Regards, Jerry Mishler

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live in LA

Visit:    Contact various pet shippers in Los Angeles area.  Some are
gangsters, so please check very carefully with all.  Feel free to get back to me for
suggestions before you sign any papers......
Did you contact the pet shipper in Taiwan as I suggested?
Do NOT use 3rd party shippers elsewhere in USA as this will be much money very badly  spent
Regards, Jerry Mishler