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Moving 1700 miles with my 2 pet cats

25 10:08:34

I adore my 2 "girls" but they don't like each other enough to be in the same cage or carrier.  I am moving from LA to Baton Rouge, 28 hours of driving, may not be able to do it in less than 2 days.  Shall I get sedation from my vet?  How do I feed, water, cat box issues?  Carriers or cages?  I don't want them out on the road!  What to do?

You really need to discuss this with a cat behavior specialist.
Sedation is one of the WORST things people can do to a pet....
I suggest you consider shipping them by air.  Contact Continental
at: 800.575.3335 for flight info and charges.
I think you might be asking for a very miserable drive with the girls.
If you need more info regarding air travel, let me know.
Good luck
Regards, Jerry Mishler