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Document To bring my rabbit from Mexico to USA

25 10:09:16

Hi I have a rabbit and he is 4 years old , I want to bring him  from Tijuana Mexico to USA .What paper do I need to bring him here? I would I apreciate if you guys can help me .

Dear Jennifer
Each U.S. state may have some different requirements.  However, I do
not anticipate a problem.
The best advice I can offer you, is:
Contact the California Department of Food and Agriculture in
Sacramento:  tel: 916.654.1447   fax  916.653.2215   and/or
And, USDA  Sacramento:  tel: 916.854.3950   fax:  916.363.3919
And, contact Border Patrol at San Ysidro  tel: 619.690.8800
I wish I could make it easier for you, but dealing with govt people
you are much better off dealing direct than thru someone like myself.
Hope this helps.  Please advise me how things go
Sincerely,  Jerry Mishler