Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Cat from Afghanistan

Cat from Afghanistan

25 10:04:54

QUESTION: Hi Jerry!  My son-in-law is in Afghanistan right now,hopefully returning to the US in May.  In mid-April he came across a cat and they have really bonded!  How can we get this cat back to the US? How do I find a place to quarantine him?  Anything you can do to help is appreciated! Don't even know where to begin!

ANSWER: If you visit:   and search for pet shippers both in Qatar and UAE.  These people
have much more info re: Afghanistan than do I, or anyone else in USA, or elsewhere
If your son in law could bring cat with him as excess baggage would be best. Much cheaper and
would clear customs with him.  Don't if this will be possible.  Is he in military, or what?
Regards, Jerry

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: WOW!  Thank you for such a fast response.  Yes, he is US Army and, due to his location, I am going to have to do all the research and coordinating from here in the US. Not so sure the Army will allow him to take the cat as excess baggage. LOL.

Entry into USA is very easy.  Health cert issued within 10 days of travel, and a valid rabies vac
The shipping cargo charges should not be too bad, but if using a pet shipper to do this will be
quite expensive.  Just contact those I referred you to.
What is the final destination in USA?