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Dog certificate to transfer from Houston to Japan

25 10:06:00

I am processing for transporting my dog from houston to Japan. on the required document list, there is a column which says that I need a governmental authorization(stamp?) on it, when the Vet certifies its good health. does this mean that the certified vet can stamp it, or does the docs have to go to Austin to get a stamp, then resent back?? my dog has a flight on next wednesday, and are worried if it will be in time.

I am surprised your vet did not assist you correctly with this.....
YES,  Indeed, the paperwork MUST be endorsed by USDA in Austin.
Probably too late to do this by FedEx or UPS   Hopefully your vet
can provide their phone # for you.  I think you better plan on
handcarrying to USDA
Should you need more help, contact Jane Edwards at BKS Pet Shipping
at: 713.466.1378
Good luck
Jerry Mishler