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my leopord gecko jumped from my hand

22 14:53:33

about 8 or 9 days ago i got a leopord gecko one day i had it in my hand and it jumped out of my hand and fell on to a plastic container tht was on a cage then onto the floor i picked it up it seemed to be fine i put it back in the cage it didnt look like it has any broken bones but i am not sure if it is ok its not moving as much and it is hardley eating but it eats some times i am not sure what i should do and i am freaking out tht its gona die over night  

Hi Dennis,
Mine have done the same thing and you are right, its very scary.  I was lucky and they didn't fall far and landed on a thick carpeted floor so they  were fine...but they didn't act any differently afterward like yours is.  A broken bone would be evident in most cases as they would not use a limb, or would act paralyzed if the back was injured...
The problem is we cant see internally.....
Has he gone to the bathroom since?  
Is he looking to stay in the cooler area all the time? (injured reptiles tend to seek the coolest areas to stay if when they are hurt)
You said he ate, how much did he  eat?  What would he normally eat?  Before this happened, did he eat the same amount each day?
Its one of those cases where its better to be safe than sorry.... and have him checked out by a vet that is knowledgeable in caring for reptiles.  
To find one in your area..

I would call the vet..explain the situation, and get the appointment.  The vet may ask if the leo is acting be sure to tell him anything that isn't "normal" with his behavior.  Use the above list of questions I asked to give the report to the vet...
Please let me know how it goes with your leo!!!