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year old female

22 11:05:09

I bred her today and ever since she has been lathargic, wont eat, has no real motor control of her legs, her head hangs and her nose id discharging a yellowish fluid. She piddles right in the spot where she sits, wont even try to make it in her pan, symptoms get worse as day goes on.....

Hi Dana,

sounds like she has an infection of some kind that is getting worse.  Get her to your regular good rabbit vet as soon as you can.  Don't wait a day, as you are noticing it is getting worse quickly.  Also you should bring the male along too jsut in case it is something that he may have been exposed to, you may prevent it from becoming a big problem for him, too.


Hi Dana,

I am sorry to hear you lost your little gal.  From your description, I don't think it was shock (she may have gone into shock) but the yellowish nose discharge sounds like a bacterial infection that may have weakened her and led her into shock.  I still would suggest having your boy given a clean bill of health from your regular rabbit vet because I would hate for him to have picked up the infection and possibly have this happen to him, too.
