Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Advice!


22 10:56:39

When i separate the male from the pregnant female at 24 days when do i put the male rabbit back into the cage back with the female??

Dear Sarah,

You must wait at least four weeks after he's neutered before you can put him back with his mate.  DO NOT put an intact male with a female while she is still nursing.  The strain of nursing *and* being pregnant will shorten her lifespan and be very hard on her health.

I do not believe in breeding rabbits at all, because there are so many thousands of abandoned bunnies every year. Please read:

If you really feel you must breed her, then please don't make her raise babies more than twice a year.  Giving birth and nursing take a tremendous toll on a doe's health and life expectancy.

I hope that helps.

I hope this helps.
