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Peeing and pooping on my daughters bed

22 11:07:27

I have a 8 month old mini flop who keeps peeing and pooping on my daughters bed and in her closet.  My husband has about had it and wants me to get rid of it.  I hate people who take on animals and than get rid of them to me it's a life long commitment... but we can't keep having this.  how do I get him to stop?  we can not leave him alone for 5 min with out him doing it.  is it too late is he always goign to do this? please help.

I would confine him to a cage with a litterbox and litterbox train him...he'll learn to accept the box as his place to "go" and not on your daughters bed.
 Rabnbits should always be supervised when they're roaming out of a's for safety reasons for the rabbit,and for your home!  Good luck,Elizabeth