Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Territorial


19 10:01:37

I have a 2 year old plus American Pit.  He is a funny guy.  He and I are the only ones in the house.  He expects all the attention in the house.  When I have company I have started to set him aside so that he does not become center stage.  He barks  but after a while he stops and seems to understand.  However, I have been dating a somehow whenever he sees me speaking or entertaining my new beau. My dog will pee and poo in the house.  I have tried putting him in his crate, he does it there too.  Which he would never do it where he sleeps.  My next step is to get him into the backyard and leave him there but that's not a solution...what are your recommendation?  Thank you, Alina

hiya alina

your dog feels tretend that your are spending time with ur new bf so he is marking his teritory just get your bf to spend time with your dog  and play with him and he will feel better

hope this helps and please rate my answers
thanks again
