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ghi ghi

20 10:37:43

Hi! I have a toy poodle, female, 14 weeks. The problem is that she is constantly iching, biting, and scratching her self. I have tried everthing. I am now giving her benadryl 2-3 times a day so she isn't miserable. I need a solution she is keeping me up at all hours of the night. She is on advantage, we do oatmeal baths, and just recently changed her food to Ultra. (no corn) If it is the food how long will it take to adjust to her skin? I really dont want to keep giving her benadryl, it just doesn't seem normal..Please help thanks!

Hi Nikki :-)

I wouldn't give such a young Poodle Benadryl. Poodles skin is naturally sensitive. Especially white or apricot colored Poodles as this color seem more prone to skin irritation.

Because she is scratching a great deal, the best thing to do is contact your Vet. It's unlikely to be caused by her Food, especially if she was having the same symptoms with her previous Food. If she wasn't, then change her food hun.

Also, purcahse Shampoo with a low perfumed and alcohol content. As Shampoo's with high perfume and alcohol content will irritate the skin greatly.

I would also recommend that you purchase some Frontline Combo from your Vet. Pet Store bought Flea treatments have a high failure rate and never work in my experience. Frontline is very good and will not only kill all Fleas and their eggs, but will also kill Ticks and Mites so will prevent your Dog from contracting Scabies.

You can only purchase Frontline from your Vet. Also make a Vet appointment and ask the Vet to check over your puppy to make sure there isn't a underlying skin condition such as Eczema. If there is the Vet will advise you on what to do and how to treat this.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x