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Pit Pet Training

20 10:04:52

Harley is 6 months old and gets so excited she constantly jumps up on people and bites at their arms and hands which results in usually injury to the person. We have tried "one word commands" with consistency. ie: Down, No, Stay, Heal, Come, Drop, quit or (((KNOCK IT OFF))) (HAHA), etc... with positive re enforcement. ie: verbal praise with lovey physical contact as well as food treats. The only thing that has changed is her teeth are getting duller. lol We play fetch ALLOT and she does so great, fetches and brings the item right back placing it our hands but she won't let go of it (drop). She loves to play tuggle war and we do that too but again, in our hand will not drop it. Now she is in heat for first time. Eek! She seems to need so much more lovey then usual which it allot. Blood dripping everywhere... Yuck! Please Help. Thank you so much for your expertise as we are aware that your well accomplished profession is costly. TYVM

This type of behavior is cute when dogs are puppies, but leads to a wild dog who nobody will want to be around when it's full grown.

Obedience involves having control over behavior, and respect from the dog.  It's not showing respect for you as leaders if she's allowed to jump all over you or bite you.  The last thing you want is for an accident to happen and a nip to someone, then a lawsuit and your dog gets taken away.  It takes more than just treats, I would highly recommend joining a local dog training class or having some lessons.  Once she is fully trained, you can have her drop it by holding it tight and saying "sit", so to sit she must let go.  If she nips at you, the play time should end and you walk away, don't engage her in that.  After she is out of heat (lasts 3 weeks) would be a good time to get her spayed.  It prevents pyometria, a uterine infection that can kill a dog, and decreases the risk of mammary cancer, and of course no more bleeding.