Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > Hi, I have a question about walking my dog

Hi, I have a question about walking my dog

20 10:06:41

Hi, I have a 2 and a half month old pit.  I was waiting till I got all his main shots taken care of before I took him outside.  Now that I'm taking him outside he doesn't want to walk on his leash.  Sometimes he stops walking when he doesn't get to go where he wants to go.  From what I've been hearing you kind of have to coax the dog into walking then they will become acquainted with leash walking.  Any additional advice would be gladly appreicated.

hi dwayne, im not sure what you are really asking, but this is what i understand.

this is a very common problem among most dogs, at this tender age. You do have to kind of coax him, but makesure he is acquainted with the leash. Make it a pleasurable experience to be on the leash. Pits can become hard pullers, and thus hard to control. So you really have to keep him in close distance when on the lead.

first of all, if you say he doesnt like the leash. Then here is what i recommend. Makesure you have something light. Tie him with the leash in the yard, and play with him. This way it wont feel like a constraint. And when you walk him, call him gently, let him sniff the leash if he wants, and then proceed.

You must understand that pits can be quite stubborn, and if he doesnt want to walk, then he most definately wont.

However before your walk, you have to makesure your dog isnt tired. As he is still a pup, he will only walk when he is full of energy. Another thing, you say he stops in the middle of a walk. Make sure that the walks are short and enjoyable for him, do not make them long and tiring.

And if he does happen to stop then lean over, and call him in a very gentle voice, and praise him when he does, and continue walking. If worse comes to worse you may enforce a treat.

hope this helps, if any further questions, feel free to ask again
