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pit bull skin

20 10:05:13

My puppy is 2 and a half months old. He is a pit bull and he has small blisters on his skin. What can I do about it?  My brothers adult pit also had them he is now losing his hair.  They have tried everything.  Please help.

Hi Martha- Have they been tested by the VET for mange?
That could be the problem with your brothers dog...????
I have some supplements that may help?  
Here goes:

Make sure your dogs are on a good food:  Innova Evo or Wellness are some good ( no junk fillers) foods.
If you want to switch, let me know..I can help you.

Next -Some salmon oil each day can help - The Adult will need 1-2 tablespoons per day of Pure Salmon oil..
The pup only needs 1/2 a teaspoon per day.

Next - NuVET Plus supplements are great to repair skin, coat and allergies
Visit the site here:  Use code 81098 to order / not sold in stores...
Thousands of Pit Bulls are on NuVET each day:

Last - you can have the OLDER/Adult dog try some Garlic / PURE garlic powder mixed into his food each day / about 1/2 a teaspoon full of PURE Garlic.  ( great natural healer)

Let me know if I can be of more help-

BEST wishes...Let me know if my suggestions help??

Marie Peppers
Ask a VET ( Pet Nurse)
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