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puppy sores

20 10:05:30

I have 2 litters of pit bull puppies for the first time. The first litter i have are pure blue pits. The puppies are about 3 weeks old and i have noticed that they now have bumps and scabs on their faces, some a little more than others. I have them in separate bins with the wood chips like you would put in a rabbits cage to cut down on the mess they were making on each other. Could you tell me what could be causing the bumps.I have washed them and wiped them down but i don't want to do it to much and make them sick. My other litter  which is about 5 days younger than the first,i noticed that one of the puppies has a bump on its eye similar to a sty. What could that be, will it go away on its own or will it need to be treated at the vet. One more thing when my dog was in labor(which took just about all day for her to finish delivering)she went out to use the bathroom and ended up delivering one on the step outside.Im not sure if this is the one, but i noticed that one of the puppies tail is bent near the tip. Could it be broken? Will it mend itself or is that something the vet should fix too. Thanks

Hi Dana- the sores or bumps on the pups could be a virus that is passed on by mom.  This can form warts on the pups mounth and face.  
As far as the eye and tail, I would think this happened when she dropped the puppy outside.

You need to take the pup with the eye problem to the vet.  You can also take the ones with the bumps to the vet also.

So sorry, I am not much help for you on this one.

BEST wishes

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel