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Breeding my blue pit bull terrior

20 10:06:01


I have asked a question before and thank you very much for the information.  
I am looking into breeding my blue pit bull terrior  who is almost 4 years old.
I was wondering if I should directly contact the kennel he came from since I
would like to keep him breeding within the same blood line and what I should
expect to hear from the breeder (agreements/terms).  I was also wondering if
his behavior would change at all if I breed him.  Any insight would be great.

Thanks again


Contacting the kennel would be a place to start, but I honestly don't know what their response would be. I think a lot of that is going to depend on whether or not they see your dog as "worth breeding" (and that is meant with absolutely no disrespect, so don't take it the wrong way)and what it is that you are wanting to do. Are you looking to get a female from them? Or are you wanting to just stud out your male? All kennels are different in the way they handle things, so I am afraid to even guess at what their terms, etc would be.

As far as your dog's temperament changing, I don't know what to tell you about that, either. I have heard some people say that breeding absolutely does affect the way a dog behaves afterwards...And I have heard others say it makes no difference whatsoever. Since I have not bred my male, I have no personal experience to speak from on that one.

I think your best bet is to ask someone who has a lot of experience with breeding. Personally, I have none, so I am not going to be able to help you much. Sorry.