Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > my dog is crazy

my dog is crazy

20 10:06:33

i've had my female pit bull since about 9 months, she is over 1 and a half now, but she is still not house trained. i have tried so many methods and nothing works, i've tried yelling, hitting, putting her in her kennel, just the simple 'bad dog' in the mean voice, and no matter what she will still go in the house (even when she's in her kennel.) she also eats her own feces, and other dogs' too. she pees on herself if you get upset with her, and since i've had her she's gone through two false pregnancys. the only time she was remotely potty trained was during a 2 week time period right before we moved. i took her out at the same time 4 times a day and walked her. well now we have a new place, been here 3 weeks, and we have a backyard to let her out in, but she usually won't go! i don't understand, she is the most loving obedient dog when it comes to everything else, i am so frusterated with this issue!!

First and foremost. You must not hit your dog. It only creates fear. Unless its soemthing you can do to yourself such as tap ur nose or w/e, however u must not cause bodily harm to your dog. I know in frustration that you might, and i have done so before also, however, I have learned now that it is about the worst thing you can do to your dog and you will feel very bad after.

Back to the topic on hand. If she has a backyard now this is what you do. You feed your dog, wait about 20min and let teh dog go out in the backyard. Leave her there until she does her thing. As she is doign it praise her, and offer her a treat. This will only bring about positive results. Next when ever you catch her trying to eat another dogs feces, you must stop her. Any way you can you must stop her. Then once you have her attention praise her again and reward her and than carry on. Makesure you remove the feces also.

So that is what you should do. IF she continues to go inside. Catch her in the act and scold her, and if you must isolate her for about 10-15mins that could have the biggest effect. Hope this helps and if you have more questions feel free to ask. IF this doesnt work, you must email again and i will give you an in detail response
