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all kinds of questions

20 10:05:37

First of all, My pitbull has had CPV for well over two months, the wart inside his mouth finally fell off but the three on his chin refuse to budge is there anything I can do to speed the process along.  Second, he has two tiny bald patches on his front leg but none anywhere else so I don't think mange is the issue, what can I do to stop these spots getting sore or worse?  He doesn't seem to nibble on them or anything.
And finally he paws us a lot, the trainer said just to walk away and ignore it but sometimes you can't get out of the way in time and he really hurts since he has these huge bare paws. Any advice?

Wait I have more....we want to get a second dog, we were up at the pound on Friday and I fell in love with a 1 yr old staffordshire mix, I am worried that maybe we should get a dog that is younger than the resident dog to avoid dominance issues, or maybe we should get a female, any advice would be most welcome.


Hi Claire: don't worry:

Warts do not always need treatment. If they do not seem to bother the dog, they can be left alone. However, if the pet needs to be anesthetized for some other procedure, vets often recommend removing warts at that time anyway so that they do not become a problem in the future. Sometimes warts will go away on their own.
If warts do seem to bother your pet or if they are irritated, infected, or bleeding, they will need to be removed surgically. This is done under general anesthesia.

You can remove them, down-the-road if needed.  Not much else you can do right now.

Bald patches on his legs?  Don't know on this:  The usual would be Salmon Oil - one teaspoon on his food every am.  ( pure salmon oil)
Helps with healing and great for skin and coat.

Always recommend my NuVET Plus tablet/ vitamins - here is the link:

**** getting a Second Dog
Ok, if the new dog was going to be younger, that should work.  Also, make sure both males are neutered.  They won't fight too much if they are neutered.  Also, yes, a male and a female will always do better than 2 males.
YOU can take him home and work with him.  You already have a trainer that works with you.  You are one step ahead of things!  If things don't work out between the dogs you can alway find a better home for him.  Just make sure you give it a good try.

The paws - this is a behavior problem... I am wondering if you can crate him of put him in another room when he does this.  Tell your trainer you need more instruction on this.

I have a friend who wrote a wonderful book - here is her link at
The Human Pack - she has a great little book:

Best wishes on all you do!