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Mya My pit bull

20 10:05:22

Hi, My question is that my girl is 2 years old and just recently she got in heat and both my male and her are in the same kennel. Her face started getting swollen and i noticed her actual skin is very irritated and her skin also feels very thick and it seems like a rash cause she is always scratching. And my male doesn't have any of these symptoms. So i wanted to know what could be happening to her and what i could do to get her back to normal.

Hello Gerardo:  I am a bit worried about the swollen face?  What did you mean by that?  Is the throat swollen at all?  What part of the face seems to be swollen.
What part of the body is thick and itchy?

Just need more info please.
Also, what brand of food do you feed her?

Let me know...