Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > pit bull puppy

pit bull puppy

20 10:05:43

QUESTION: i just bought a 5 week old puppy..thats full blood American gaiter pit...i cant get him to sleep in his kennel, he whines until i let him out...but soon as i take him downstairs he sleeps good in clothes can i make him sleep in the kennel?

ANSWER: Hi Josh - boy, I wish he could have stayed with momma for another 2 weeks.. 5 weeks is so young.  This is hard for him.

It is hard for him right now... Just so young and no mom or brothers to cuddle next to.  He is not ready for the crate yet.  You can try him in the crate for 2 hours per day...

To start you can place the crate in the living room or kitchen area.  Make sure you put some toys and a blanket in the crate.  Leave the door open for him to walk into ...  Try to feed him a few treats in the crate...  Make it a happy place for him to explore.

Next, after a few days.... let him stay in the crate for a few hours with the door closed.  Put the radio on for him... Make sure it is on a good station that is not too loud.  NO rock and roll for him... some " old fashioned" music may be soothing..

After many times of " short periods " in the crate, he may be able to spend the entire night.  This will take a few weeks to a month of working with this little guy..

I hope he is eating some good quality pup food?  If you need help on food or supplements...let me know..

The Doggie Chalet Hotel
NuVET Plus - Dog Vitamins -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the guy i bought him from told me give him evaporated milk is that right? wat should i feed him?

Hi:  Well, the best thing would be puppy formula that you can buy at the pet store.  It is a powder that you mix with water. Cost is about 22.00 per can.  You may be able to buy it smaller which may cost less than the 22.00.

You can do evaporated milk / water / baby rice cereal.
You would do 1/2 evap milk and 1/2 water and baby cereal - don't make the cereal too thick .. ( nice an thin )  

You can also do puppy canned food at about 6 weeks old.  The pup canned food can be mixed with pup formula or evap milk... Again, very thin to lap up with the tongue.

Hope the helped...