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Pit bull Pregnancy

20 10:06:06

Ok um my pit is now pregnant and her belly is like its going to explode its BIG!!  Well last time She had her babies they All Died and she tried to eat them And did ate them. I also noticed that last time she had her babies she put them into her mouth when they had just come Out! we didn't know if that was right or not but we smacked her in the head and she let him go. Also She has this problem with other pupies. She barks at them And makes the look dogs do when they attack and It's kind of scaring me.
Here's the question
What If She tries to eat her babies or puts them Into her Mouth Again? What do we do? Do you think she will kill her babies and what should we do to prevent that?

What your dog did is not uncommon. While it is gross for people to think about, many animals do, in fact, eat their own young...especially if the babies are dead or dying. That's just nature for you.

Your dog is going to mouth her pups when they come out. She has to use her teeth to break open the sacs they come out in, lick the mucus from their mouths and noses, use her teeth to sever their umbilical cords, and she will probably lick their bodies clean as well. That's all normal. If she does not do these things, her pups could die or be severely damaged. So, if she doesn't do it, you are going to have to do it for her.

She may also try to pick them up and move them if she is not satisfied or comfortable with the area that she delivers them in. If she does so, she will most likely be very gentle with them, so (unless she is obviously trying to hurt them) you shouldn't be all too worried about that.

If you are overly concerned that you will not know what to do or when to do it, you can arrange for your vet to come to your home, or you can ask that your dog be allowed to deliver her litter at the vet's office. Many people choose to go this route as opposed to delivering the pups by themselves at home.

I cannot say why she chose to eat the pups the last time, nor can I tell you whether or not she will do it again. All I can say is that you will have to pay close attention to her during her delivery. If she does act aggressively towards the pups, or if she rejects them, you should be prepared to take them away and care for them yourself. It would probably be in your best interest to have some canine milk replacement formula on hand in the event that she does reject the pups so that you can hand feed them. I also think you should call your vet and see what they think considering that they know your dog better than I do.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to message me back.