Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > weigh


20 10:06:17

hello and hi again my pup is a american pit bull terrier i have some pics if you would like  to see.


Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I was at school and just got home and myself situated. I apologize.

You don't have to send me the pictures. Just knowing that your dog is an APBT as opposed to another breed commonly called a "pit bull" helps.

This is what the UKC has to say about the breed standard for an American Pit Bull Terrier:

"The American Pit Bull Terrier must be both powerful and agile so actual weight and height are less important than the correct proportion of weight to height. Desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds. Desirable weight for a mature female in good condition is between 30 and 50 pounds. Dogs over these weights are not to be penalized unless they are disproportionately massive or rangy."

As you can see, they do not give an actual ideal weight, but a weight range instead. They point out that the things to be taken into consideration are not just the height or the weight alone, but instead the proportion of the two together. If your dog is extremely short, you don't want it to weigh a lot- it's body would be disproportionate. If your dog is taller, you don't want it to be super skinny- it's body would be disproportionate.

If you are just asking what your dog will weigh out of mere curiosity, all I can tell you is that, until your pup stops growing and has fully matured, there is no way to tell. The best answer you are going to get is a guess as to what its final weight will be.

On the other hand, if you are asking because you are concerned that the pup is not growing as it should be, I encourage you to contact your veterinarian. They would have a more intimate knowledge of your dog's individual build and could give you direction if something was found to be lacking. And, on the flip side of that, they would be able to calm any fears you may have if your dog is in perfect health.

However, until that pup stops growing, even your vet won't be able to give you anything but a guess on its weight as an adult dog.