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heath concern

20 10:06:25

hello, i have a 3 year old red nose pitt named angel. she weighs around 70 pounds.  this is hard to explain but i will try my best. the area in between her front legs and where her top set of teets are is something that looks like a skin tag.  its hanging about a half of an inch away from her body and the end of it is about the size of a pea and looks like it is full of blood.  it doesn't seem to bother her but it worries me. what do you think it is.  could it be a tumor?

Older dogs often develop skin tags, but its not as common in younger dogs.  I would definitely recommend taking her in to the vet for an exam.  It may even be possible for them to remove it with just a local anesthesia.  I would definitely recommend having them either aspirate it if they can't remove it, or send it out for a biopsy if they can to rule out the possibility of cancer.
