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nine month old girl pitbulls - NuVET and Salmon oil will be great for the shedding....

20 10:05:04

I am a first time owner of two girl pit bulls and one has a shedding problem. What can I do to help with this problem and what are the best vitamins I can give them?

Hello leona -
Have you tried some Salmon oil - add this to the food each day - Get the pure Salmon oil - you can find a bottle of this at the local pet store.
**give them 1-2 teaspoons per day - mixed into the food.

Next, - NuVET Plus is the BEST pit bullie vitamin/supplement in the USA.  GREAT skin and coat supplement but also give them some bulk to the muscle... So many pit bull breeders refer the new puppy parents to NuVET products.
NOT sold in stores - you need to go to the Manufacture's site for ordering..

Let me know if you need any food suggestions..
We can add or change the feeding program you are on , let me know.

***by-the-way...The NuVET is guaranteed to correct the shedding or they will refund your $$$$  ..
Take the 90 day trial and see.  ( each wafer treat is about .55 cents)
A Healthy Pet Means LESS visits to the vet and more $$$ in your pocket.

Best wishes with your two kids!

Marie Peppers