Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > diarrhea


20 10:05:44

I have an 11 month old pit bull that was given to me when she was 6 months.  Until now I have had no problems with her. She has dad diarrhea for 3 days and has not eaten anything she is only drinking water.  I bought her to the vet they gave me something for her diarrhea but it is not working and she is still not eating.  What should I do?  

Hello Ivette:

I am glad you went to the VET with her... You can call the VET and let the know that the diarrhea medication did not help.

Also, you can try this:

Go out and buy some Pumpkin ( canned pure ) - the pumpkin pie filling...  give here 1/2 cup of this.  She should love it.
It will give here calories and firm up her poop, too.

If she can get this down, then I would suggest you buy some canned wet food ( Innova or WEllness Formula canned - Holistic)
Give her 1/2 a cup of wet food every 3-4 hours.
Give her the pumpkin 2 x per day.

Do the above for about 3 days.  After that, she should be able to tolerate her regular food again.

Keep your VET posted on this ...

Thanks for your question...