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what age do pits go into heat

20 10:06:12

I have a 2 year old male pit and my fiance and I recently got a female puppy. She is just a few days over 4 months old. He is not fixed and shows a lot of interest in her all the time. Lately she hasn't been stopping him as much when he climbs on her. Around what age should she be going in heat and what signs can I look for so that I can separate them immediately?

Female dogs typically begin going into heat around six months of age, but some start earlier and others later.( I think the range is actually from around four months to fourteen months. ) Normally, females will go into heat around every six months, with the cycle lasting around three weeks.

When your female goes into heat, you will notice swelling around her vulva. Then you will see a little bit of blood. And, of course, intact male dogs will be really interested in her. *Also, as a precautionary note, some females (not all) will actually become somewhat aggressive when they go into heat.

If you do not want your dogs to breed, you should not only keep them separated, but consider having your female spayed. Not only will it eliminate the chance of you having an unwanted litter of pups, but it has other health benefits as well. There is a wealth of info on the web about the risks of leaving a female dog "intact" if you are interested.