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Pitbull Breeding

20 10:05:54

If one dog is taller than the other can they mate? My tall male dog is trying mate with my short female dog but it is difficult for him to mate which her. Should I let them keep trying or find a dog his and her size?

I typically discourage anyone from breeding their dogs unless they are a well-established kennel/breeder that is doing so to further the breed and not for profit or companion animals. What I am going to say is not meant to sound rude, so please don't take it that way. This is my honest opinion on the matter.

There are two things that concern me about the question you are asking me. 1) Most "pit bulls" are about the same size and build (if they meet breed standards), regardless of whether they are male or female. So, to me, this means that either your female is unusually short because she is a mixed breed dog, is a purebred but does not conform to standards, or she is not yet fully grown. OR, likewise, your male is unusually tall and does not conform to established breed standards. Which ever scenario your dogs fall into, they should not be bred. 2) The nature of your question makes me wonder why you are trying to breed dogs if you do not know enough about breeding to be doing it.

To answer your original question...I know someone who adopted a pit bull/Chihuahua mix from the shelter, so the size of the dog doesn't always matter.