Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > Skin


20 10:06:38

She was eating pedigree with her other family, but when i got her I changed her to nutro. The bumps are no different color then her skin and they seem to be getting better slightly from when I wrote the first email. They're consentrated on her sides, closest to her front legs. Some one told me Mites, so I dipped her but other then that I'm kind of stumped.

Followup To

Question -
My 4 month old pit just recently started getting small bumps all over her skin. She doesnt itch them or anything, but they are visible through her fur. She had just a few when I first got her but now there are more. What could they be and what could I do to get rid of them? Thanks

Answer -
Hi there,

these bumps may be an allergic reaction that your dog has to her food. Can you please specify what type of food she is eating. Also see if the problem is escalating. And what color are the bumps this can be something more. But i have limited info. Provide me with what i have asked (and also where the bumps arE) so that i can help you further.

hope to hear from you soon


I dont know how much of a help I can be, but here is a recommendation. Get a good dog shampoo, I recomend sebolux, and than rinse the dog out thoughly. Clean him and everywhere he lives. It is better if you kept him in doors, and do not take him to the grass (as sometimes pits have allergic reactions to grass). So after you have washed him, see how it goes after keeping him inside. Also, do this only if your dog doesn't feel any pain. If he appears to be even a little uncomfortable take him to the vet.

I hope this helps