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pitbull with dry itchie flaking skin

20 10:06:04

I know there has been a lot of questions about this, and many places I've read say the solution is omega 3 fatty acids, which I would be all over giving to Skyler(my 9mo. fem. pit)to put her out of this dis-comfort; BUT... she is allergic to salmon! So I just assumed that its probably the same with cod. So that being the case, what do I do? Other than her skin being itchy very dry and flaky, she is very healthy! Shiny soft coat, lots of energy, but now that summer is on the way I guess her skin is not too impressed. I'm hoping you might be able to give me some advice as to how I can help her. Thanks for your time, and I am eagerly looking forward to you input... :)  Jade & Skyler

To help with the discomfort of the itching, you can try using a shampoo that has oatmeal in it. That usually does wonders to help soothe skin. I use an oatmeal and vitamin E shampoo made by a company called Earthbath. It is in bar form, but it lathers up really well and rinses clean. It also doesn't contain the chemicals that you find in most soaps and shampoos, so it is less likely to dry the dog's skin out. I use it on all three of my dogs and am very pleased with the results.

As far as her allergy to salmon...I don't know about that one, so I am afraid to even try to answer that. She very well could be allergic to all fish, or it could be just one certain thing in salmon. I would say that is definitely a question for the vet. I apologize...I just really don't know what to tell you.