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Renting with a Pitt

20 10:06:38

I grew up with my mother as a veterenarian, and in my experience know that any animal (even ones with bad reputations like Pit Bulls and Rottweilers) can have an even and decent attitude. It all depends in how you raise the animal.

I live in Florida and my friend and potential new roommate has the sweetest pushover of a Pit Bull puppy, and we'd love to have him live with us as well, but I am afraid that the community (they do allow dogs up to 100lbs, our puppy is about 65 and at two years old about done growing) would not let us keep him because of his breed! What can or should I do to help keep this great dog?

Im not aware of the laws in florida, but they cannot descriminate against your dog unless their is Breed specific legislation in your city/state. You should take this up with the community. Obviously they cannot just kick you out, but you should makesure there is no BSL. You should be okay. Hope this helps
My conclusion is basically that you should be able to keep your dog. You could try to inform them about the misconceptions of the breed, and even let them see him if they are still keen on having him kicked out. You should be okay.
