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20 10:05:58

My 11 month old pitbull has mange. After much research I have come to the conclusion that he has the Demodectic type of mange(it began on his ear area but is confined to only the head area). He itches but not constantly. My question is- Do you know what types of treatments I could use-like a topical cream,bathing,pills??? He has only recently began showing the small scabbing and hair loss around the back of the ear but would like to nip this problem in the bud.Thanks

Have you taken him to the vet about this problem yet? If not, you may want to do so to be sure that he does, in fact, have the demodectic mites and not the sarcoptic ones. Also, the vet can prescribe any necessary topical treatments or dips to help get rid of the mites.

Most people I know that have gone through this have not had much luck with the salves and baths/dips. One of my dogs had demodectic mange when he was a small pup...The ointment the vet gave us did absolutely nothing to help the situation. I cannot guarantee that you will have any better luck with your dog...but I still think it is better that you take him to the vet to make sure that he does not have sarcoptic mange before you do anything else.

I don't know how much "alternative treatment" information you came across while researching mange, so I am going to throw a couple of other things out here for you to consider.

Demodectic mites are actually very common. They can be found just about anywhere outside and on almost any animal. It is common thought that the difference between animals that display a reaction to the mites and the animals that do not is their immune systems. Animals with weaker immune systems do not have the ability to fight the mites off as well. With that being said, it would probably be beneficial for your dog if you try to beef up his immune system. You can do this through dietary supplements (like probiotics, etc made by companies like Nzymes- I have used these and they work well) or by modifying his diet. Doing those two things, while they may take a couple of weeks, will do wonders to help boost his immune system as well as his overall health. I know it made a world of difference in my dog).

Also, until you can get the mites under control, you can do other things to try to keep your dog comfortable and from scratching himself bald. Bathe him with a shampoo that is oatmeal-based. That should help soothe the itching a bit. Keep his nails cut as short as possible so that he cannot cut himself. And, if possible, put some booties on his back feet to keep his nails from actually contacting his skin.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.