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my husband wants a pit bull

20 10:06:24

We have 3 roudy boys (ages 9, 3, and 1), and I'm afraid the aggressive nature of a pit bull and my children will be disastrous.  I don't particularly like dogs, my husband is very busy, & he didn't adequately clean up after his previous dogs. My husband wants another baby pit (we've had 2 already & they keep getting stolen). I think its for a reason.  Is my reservation of getting a third dog paranoia?  Primarily, what's your take on this animal and my babies?  

As long as you get a puppy from a reputable breeder (let me know where you are and I'll find one) you will be fine. Human aggressiveness has been bred out of the APBT. So as far as your kids you will have nothing to worry about. As far as your husband goes, that is up to you. These are dogs that you HAVE to have time for. If you don't have the time to properly exercize your dog, I would suggest getting a LOW energy dog.