Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > red nose pitt bull

red nose pitt bull

20 10:06:35

i just found a red node pitt bull puppy. she can't be but about 6 weeks old and i don't know what to feed her. but she is so skinny she really needs to eat so i have tried a few things but i don't reaaly know.


if you found this dog, i recommend that you go and get this dog checked by the vet first. SEcond, get some poweder formula and feed him that as his source of milk. You can also feed him puppy food. What i recommend is nutro, or some of that holistic stuff like go! innova evo, wellness etc. However holistic food is very expensive. Also, for about the first week(or until the dogs teetch are able to break down the kibbles) you can mix warm water into the kibbles. This will make them soft and easier to chew. However you must take the vets opinion on this pup.

Hope this helps