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pitbulls as pets

20 10:04:53

I was just wondering whether it would be a good idea fo me to get a pitbull. I have 2 children simon 2 and jennifer 4 they have never been around dogs before and i thought that a pit bull might be a good gentle familyy breed. I heard that pitbulls were waay more reliable then labradors but some people say that they can be dangerous but surely thats a case of give a dog a bad name and hang it?

It is not just the breed, it's the individual dog.  Labs are known for being great pets and gentle.  Many pit bulls are also good family dogs, but I believe according to statistics that they are involved in more reported bites.  Regardless of what dog you choose, training is important, and the dog must respect the child and vice versa.

Here is an article I wrote on dogs for children:

Notice the traits you look for in the dog, not just the breed.

As a final word of advice, I believe 2 and 4 are too young to have a dog.  You are probably very busy with them, and a dog is even more work.  I would wait until they are older and can help train the dog and help take care of it.