Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > food aggressive

food aggressive

20 10:05:18

I was wondering if you can try and help me. My boyfriend has a pit bull and has recently become very aggressive when given his food. We recently changed his food, and thats when we started noticing it. It's gotten to the point where he has actually bit me, and I did was point my finger around where he was, and  he just launched at my had. Turned out I was ok, a few scratches and bruises on my hand. If you have any suggestion that would be great. Thank you!

Hello Marisa, I am glad he did not hurt you.  You need to get a behavior person over to help.  This person will help you deal with this territorial aggression to Food and feeding.
Not much I can do for you .....

Pleasse call a doggie trainer that comes to your home.  It will be worth the price of the trainer.  YOU wouldn't want to get a bad bite!

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers