Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > MY Baby Romeo.. :0)

MY Baby Romeo.. :0)

20 10:05:27

QUESTION: Hi, I acually have a few questions, We just got a 1month old pitbull his name is Romeo, & we already own a 1yr old Beagle his name is Pickles, now Romeo is always biteing him and im afraid Pickles "the beagle" is gonna hurt him or vice a versa, or will i have problems with them when my baby Romeo grows up? Also i'm feeding my baby 3times a day, i feed him eukanuba. Is that ok? Help.... What can i do...

ANSWER: Hi Yolanda:  You do need to give Pickles a break ( time-out) from little Romeo's energy!  Make sure you give them some space and they will grow up to be best pals!

Make sure you do alot of One-on-One play with Romeo.
Fetch and Keep away types of games.

As far as Eukanuba, it is an ok food.  Many breeders do like it and I used it a number of years ago.  I found that there are many better foods and decided to change.

Here is what you can do for your Romeo:

Change his food over a 30 day time period.  Find a food that is low on fillers like corns and grains.  
Do 1/4 the new food and 3/4 the Eukanuba food ... After a few weeks, go 3/4 the new food and 1/4 the Eukanuba ...  After 1 month you can get rid of the old food ( Eukanuba).

I like the following: Brands-
Wellness, Solid Gold, Innova, Canidade, Natural Balance, Chicken Soup for the Puppies Soul....

All the foods I mentioned can be found at pet food stores.....

***Both your dogs should be on a Supplement like NuVEt Plus
- this is wonderful for pups and adult dogs...
Even elderly canines need NuVET Plus -

here is the link to order :  NOT sold in stores...   (
get the 90 tablet count)...

NuVET Wafers will cost about .50 cents per day.  Your pup would only need 1/2 per day .... After he is 15 lbs, you can give 1 wafer..

ONE wafer of NuVET is all your adult dog needs per day.

Mention Marie of Doggie Chalet hotel #  code 81098 - ASK for the 15 % discount...

Oh, one more thing........
Make sure you give your kids some salmon oil.  ( pure salmon oil)  
/Start the baby on Salmon oil at about 15 weeks old.
( 1/2 teaspoon per day).
Your adult dog can have 1-2 teaspoons per day.

I hope I helped and did not overload you with too much info.

I love to see dogs get the right foods and Quality!


Marie of the Doggie Chalet Hotel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again,& Thank you for answering my previous questions is good to have some good advice, but I also forgot to say that everytime is feeding time  Pickles The Beagle starts barking at Romeo Who's 1month old pitbull because Romeo wants to eat Pickles food or vice versa.What should i do. bye the way. We try spliting them in different rooms,&  feeding them at different times but thats not working.What can we do about this.We are afraid that this will be a bigger problem when Romeo get's bigger and might want to hurt Pickles.. Help!!!!! :0)

Hi Again:  You do need to split them up into different rooms.  No choices here... You need to make this work.
It may take a few days, but they will get accustomed to the new feeding schedule.  Just feed them around the same times but in other rooms.
Or, you can put the baby in a crate or the bathroom with a baby gate up.
No other options here on this one...Sorry

BEST of luck to you all!

Have fun!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel