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my pit bulls zits.

20 10:05:18

I have a beautiful black/brindle and white female pit bull terrier.  she is 1 yr 9 mos old.  we feed her Exclusive, which our vet suggested after he heard she was eating Science Diet.  he said that food really isn't that great.  she's healthy all around, great coat, 50 lbs of muscle (and love), all of that.  but she gets what looks to me to be, zits.  she gets them around her nose, in her whisker area.  and sometimes near her private girl part.  also, on her stomach, but closer to her girl part, she gets what looks like little black heads.  what's going on?  i recently got her spayed after a year of arguing with my now ex over the matter.  he was hoping for puppies but i knew no good would come from bringing more puppies into this world.  so finally, the day came, she had her surgery July 16, 2008.  when i took her in that day to drop her off, i asked them to look at them for me.  well, when i picked her up the next day, i just wanted to get her out of there and to a place she knew because i felt like the worst mommy in the world (she's never been without me or my ex at the same time like that before) so i forgot all about the zit question.  i called back after a few days and asked what they thought, and apparently, the woman up front forgot to write that part down.  so if you could give your suggestion, that would save me (and her) another trip to that "scary" place.
thank you for reading this.
Somer & Isabelle Rose.

Hello, the areas on the face are a wart type of virus that will fall off in time.  They take a few months or longer to fall off.  After a year, if they don't fall off the vet can take them off.  
Now, as for the " female private" area, she souldn't have them in that area... If she does it is not as common as the facial area.
Again, just keep an eye on them.

Your kid should be on a good skin and coat supplement/ We have loads of Pit Bull Parents giving NuVET Plus - Many breeders send it home with the new pups.  
NuVET guarantees they will help your dog's skin, coat and general health or your money back.
Give it a try:  She will LOVE the taste of the Wafer TREATS
It will only cost you .60 cents per day
Use this order code - They don't sell to the public without a code from a Breeder or Vet ( 81098)
You can call  1-800-474-7044

Give me an e-mail after she has been on the NuVET for a few months.
You will see many positive changes in her coat and skin.

Thanks and Good Luck

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel