Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pit Bulls > Baby red nose pitt

Baby red nose pitt

20 10:05:15

I just got this pittbull puppy that was given to me. He is very thin and I'm a little worried. I believe he's about 6 to 7 weeks old. I fed him some puppy chow because a friend recommended it but he seems to have gotten diarrhea. Is that bad for his age, being that he is thin the way he is

Hi Eddie - You need to get him over to a vet - he may have worms and needs special care for that... Get a good check up..

After you see the vet, send me an e-mail and I will help with foods and supplements...OK

Get some canned pure pumpkin and give him 3 tablespoons per day - it will give him some calories and Firm up the poops...

Good luck at the vet

Marie Pepper